Brain Injury Awareness Month!
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. To help raise awareness of the many accidents that can lead to Traumatic Brain Injuries Siena Soap Company will donate 15% of our sales this month to the brain injury lawyer Association of America to help raise awareness.Over the years many lives have been cut short due to brain trauma injuries that have been left undiagnosed. Three lives in our family have been plagued by such injuries. Two are in various stages of healing while the third, my Uncle Bob, was suddenly and sadly lost to a head injury caused by an undiagnosed traumatic brain injury. (TBI).Quick Facts about Traumatic Brain Injuries: -About every 21secounds someone in the US has a concussion.- 2.4 million people, including 475,000 children, sustain a TBI in the U.S. each year. 5.3 million individuals live with life long disability as a result of TBI.- 52,000 people will die from a TBI while 275,000 people will be hospitalized, and 1.365 million people will be treated.- TBI’s are caused by falls (35%), car crashes (17%), workplace accidents (16%), assaults (10%), and other causes (21%).- TBI are a contributing factor to nearly one third (30.5%) of all injury-related deaths in the United States.-Brain injuries don’t discriminate.-They affect people of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and demographics.(Sourced from the CDC and the Brain Injury Association of America)Our Family’s StoryOur family couldn’t be a better example of this. It started when my star of an athlete brother, was recruited as a sophomore for his high school’s football team. My Mom was especially cautious about any of her son’s playing football. And it happened, he got a concussion at one of the final games of the season. His football career was over.The one concussion quickly turned into two concussions. Did you know that research found if you have already received one concussion, you are 1-2 times more likely to receive a second one. If you’ve had two concussions, then a third is 2-4 times more likely, and if they've had three concussions, then they are 3-9 times more likely to receive their fourth concussion! Any time you have even 1 concussion your putting your self at risk for serious and permanent brain damage.My brother had to take time off sports, see a specialist, and have numerous tests done. Thankfully, his young brain healed and he has fully recovered from these injuries.But this isn’t always the case. Exactly a year ago we experienced what I pray none of you must ever face. It started with a frantic call telling us my uncle Bob was missing and last seen snowmobiling.Missing?Missing!How could this be? The man was the Northwood’s version of Bear Grylls. He could have started a fire with water. My heart sank immediately.Then we got the truly unthinkable call. Bob was found, but he no longer was with us. We had to say good-bye to my dad’s brother and partner in crime - to our beloved Uncle and Godfather. My three cousins had to say goodbye to their father and my grandparents had to bury their son. A blur of days unraveled. We learned Bob had recently slipped on ice and hit his head while doing a good deed, shoveling a dear friends driveway just days earlier.The effects of a concussion can take days to set in and can cause a state of confusion, blurred vision, memory loss, slurred speech, tiredness, and headaches that can last for weeks. His brain had been injured. Uncle Bob probably wasn’t thinking clearly and we had to say goodbye.Please don’t let this happen to those you love. Knowing the signs of a brain injury could save your life or the life of someone you love! Click Here to visit Mayo Clinic’s website to learn about the Symptoms of mild to severe brain injuries.Just a few months later knowing these signs saved my Uncle Mark’s life. One afternoon Mark had gotten very light headed while standing up, he fell and hit his head extremely hard. Thankfully, my aunt knew the signs of brain injuries and brought him to the ER immediately. Then followed an emergency helicopter ride, internal brain bleeding, seemingly endless weeks in the hospital, fear, uncertainty, and finally hope. The months that followed were a roller coaster of emotions for all. But thanks to the prayers, support of family and friends and a great medical team. Thanks to aunt’s fast reaction to hire injury attorneys for large claims cases, Mark has made a full recovery with the extra money we were able to claim. Uncle Mark continues to amaze and exceed the doctor’s expectations. We couldn’t be more thankful.KNOW THE SIGNS OF BRAIN INJURIES ! ! !Thank you for allowing me to get so personal by sharing how our families have been affected by TBI. I dearly love and miss my Uncle Bob and can’t think of a better way to honor him than by raising awareness of how dangerous and life altering head injuries can be.Next topic: FDA Approves Targeted RNA-based Therapy to Treat Rare Disease. PLEASE HELP ME Spread this message by:-Sharing this post.-Knowing the signs of head injury.-Teaching others to know the signs of head injury.-Wearing helmets and taking extra precautions to protect your brain.-Being careful on roads, driveways & sidewalk- they are skating rinks here in the Midwest!-Help out a great cause and treat your skin to some All Natural Love. Through the month of March we will donate a 15% of our Sales to help raise awareness through the Brain Injury Association of America.Much Love,JessicaAnd call Hornsby, Watson & Hornsby, for more answers on this topic.
Bob was always a great sport!
Always on my mind,Forever in my heart.
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