Stay Cold & Flu FREE this Loooong Winter!
The history of this germ fighting, bacteria killing natural remedy is fascinating. It spans back to the 15th century when many people died of the plague. Legends say that thieves would prey among the dead and dying, robbing them of their belongings, but somehow four notorious robbers never managed to get sick themselves. The four thieves eventually revealed their secret. They rubbed themselves with a special blend of oils, known today as Thieves Oil. Four Thieves Oil has been found to have extremely powerful immune busting properties including being anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-septic, and anti-fungal. This powerful natural defense comes from a special blend of essential oils including cloves, lemons, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, and rosemary.Siena Soap Company's Four Thieves Oil is great to use to prevent and heal flu/colds, purify your air, destroy acne, as a natural hand sanitizer, to detoxify your body,to destroy skin fungus (athletes feet)…... But it doesn't’t stop there, click Here to learn even more uses of this great natural remedy.[space ]
Some Recent testimonials from our lovely customers:
"I’m so in love with the four thieves oil! It smells so good and is getting rid of some embarrassing acne I developed!" -Kayla from Brazil.[space ]"Well, I am pretty much a doubting Thomas when it comes to most claims. But I bought the oil at the natural medicine journal early in December. I rub it on my feet not every day but fairly often. I have so far not had a cold this Winter. My husband and daughter have had on and off colds, but not me. I am almost out so I need to order more." Ann from Andover, MN.[space ]"This Four Thieves Oil rocks for a million uses!! This is going to sound bizarre, but go with me: Take a drop and put it on the inside of your palms/wrists and slowly breathe in… It helps relieve the dreaded holiday sweet tooth!! It smells like you are eating a delicious sweet treat calorie free! And, bonus- you are killing off flu germs at the same time which are just as much everywhere!"- Joy of Ham Lake, MN